Length of Menopause has a Positive Correlation with C-Telopeptide Plasma Level in Pascamenopause Women

  • Willy Pangestu Faculty of Medicine University of Dr. Sam Ratulangi/ Malalayang Hospital Manado
  • Eddy Suparman Faculty of Medicine University of Dr. Sam Ratulanqi/ Malalayang Hospital Manado
  • Freddy Wagey Faculty of Medicine University of Dr. Sam Ratulanqi/ Malalayang Hospital Manado


Objective: To determine the correlation between length of menopause with C-telopeptide in pascamenopause women. Method: An analytic cross-sectional study of 29 pascamenopause women in Malalayang hospital Manado. Sampling method with consecutive random sampling. Data were analyzed with Spearman test with significance level of p<0.05. Result: Among of 29 pascamenopause women with a mean of age 58.62 ± 4.694 years. Mean of length of menopause is 8.76 ± 5.520 years with median 7 years (quartil 5.00 until 11.5 years). Mean of C-telopeptide plasma level is 0.524 ± 0.256 μg/l with median 0.472 μg/l (quartil 0.324 until 0.656 μg/l). We found length of menopause and C-telopeptide plasma level were not distributed normal (p<0.05). Correlation analysis by Spearman found significant positive correlation between length of menopause and C-telopeptide plasma level. Conclusion: There is significant positive correlation between Ctelopeptide plasma level with length of menopause in pascamenopause women. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2014; 2: 82-86] Keywords: C-telopeptide plasma level, length of menopause, pascamenopause women.


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Author Biographies

Willy Pangestu, Faculty of Medicine University of Dr. Sam Ratulangi/ Malalayang Hospital Manado

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Eddy Suparman, Faculty of Medicine University of Dr. Sam Ratulanqi/ Malalayang Hospital Manado

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Freddy Wagey, Faculty of Medicine University of Dr. Sam Ratulanqi/ Malalayang Hospital Manado

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Research Article