The Association between Menstrual Disorder and Work Disturbance among Employees
Objective: To investigate the association between menstrual
disorders including each menstrual cycle disorder, duration
and volume of menstrual bleeding disorder, menstrual interval
disorder, and another disorder that related to menstruation
against disruption of work among employees.
Methods: This study used a cross sectional design. Sample
randomization with winpepi® software for Windows 7®. Data
analysis using SPSS 24® software for Windows 7®.
Results: A total of 150 subjects were recruited in this study. The
prevalence of menstrual disorder was 87%, menstrual cycle
disorder 3%. Menstrual volume disorder 31%, 15% menstrual
abnormalities, 83% menstrual pain disorder and premenstrual
syndrome 71%. Prevalence of work disturbance was 49% for
mild disturbance, 47% for moderate disturbance and severe
work disturbance by 4%. There was a relationship between
menstrual volume disorder, hypermenorrhoea, and menstrual /
dysmenorrhoea pain to occupational disruption among the
employee at RSCM (p <0.001). The submission of the proposed
leaves due to menstrual disorder in the proposed permit for
1 day by 73%.
Conclusion: The prevalence of severe work disturbance due to
menstruation is not high but can lead to disruption in running
jobs and activities. However, it is important to be a concern so that
the employees get good management and care.
Keywords: employee, menstrual leave, menstrual disorder, prevalence,
work disturbance
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